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Today I would like to share a little bit information about chapter 4which is 'Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives'.
This topic basically will thought us about:
Efficiency - measure the performance of the IT system itself including throughout speed and availability.
Effectiveness - measures the impact IT has on business processes and activities including customers satisfaction conversion rates and self-through increases.
Effectiveness - measures the impact IT has on business processes and activities including customers satisfaction conversion rates and self-through increases.
Benchmarking - Baselining Metrics
It is a process of continuously measuring system results,
comparing those results to optimal system performance
and identifying to improve system performance.
The Interrelationships of Efficiency and Effectiveness IT metrics
Efficiency IT metrics focus on technology and include :
◕ Throughput - the amount of information that can travel trough a system at any point.
◕ Transaction speed - the amount of time a system takes to perform a transaction.
◕ System availability - the number of hours a system is available for users.
◕ Information accuracy - the extent to which a system generates the correct results when executing the same transaction numerous times.
◕ Web traffic - includes a host of benchmarks such as the number of page views, the number of unique visitors, and the average time spent viewing a Web page.
◕ Response time - the time it takes to respond to user interactions such as a mouse click.
Effectiveness IT metrics focus on an organization’s goals, strategies, and objectives and include:
◕ Usability – The ease with which people perform transactions and/or find information.
◕ Customer satisfaction – Measured by such benchmarks as satisfaction surveys, percentage of existing customers retained, and increases in revenue dollars per customer.
◕ Conversion rates – The number of customers an organization “touches” for the first time and persuades to purchase its products or services.
◕ Financial – Such as return on investment, cost-benefit analysis, and break-even analysis.
Metrics for Strategic Initiatives
Metrics for measuring and managing strategic initiatives include:
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